On behalf of the membership of Lambda Sigma Sigma Lupus Sorority, Inc., we welcome you to our website and appreciate your interest, in wanting to learn more about our organization & sisterhood.
The ladies of Lambda Sigma Sigma Lupus Sorority, Inc. call ourselves "Lupus Soldiers"! We’re “on the battlefield” to find a cure, for this mysterious and horrible disease, which affects 1.5 million+ worldwide daily.
Founded on August 13, 2018 in Chicago, Illinois, Lambda Sigma Sigma Lupus Sorority, Inc., is an HISTORIC and TRAILBLAZING organization!
•The FIRST non-collegiate Greek lettered sorority, EXCLUSIVELY CREATED for women with Lupus. Founded on the principles of Faith, Advocacy, Strength and Sisterhood.
•The FIRST non-collegiate Greek lettered sorority, to be represented on Capital Hill, in Washington, DC..
•The LARGEST diseased based sorority, with having over 150 certified members.
Lambda Sigma Sigma Lupus Sorority, Inc. has LOYAL members across the country, of all ages, races, mobilities and economic backgrounds. We take PRIDE, in being PASSIONATE and DEDICATED promoters of lupus awareness, advocacy, education and fundraising, in efforts to finding a cure!
Lambda Sigma Sigma Lupus Sorority, Inc. hosts lupus related events and activities, like our monthly virtual educational webinars, bi-monthly in-person meet-ups, called “Butterflies and Breadsticks Socials” with members of the lupus community.
Attending Lupus advocacy organizations’ events & activities (Health Forums, Educational Seminars & Kickbacks).
Lambda Sigma Sigma Lupus Sorority, Inc. also attend Greek-Lettered Organization’s events & activities, in order to network, support and fellowship.
Our Motto, “Together Helping Exceptional Ladies Impacted by Lupus who Inform, Educate and Support, T.H.E. L.I.L.I.E.S.” embodies us, as not only an advocacy organization that promote Lupus awareness, but also a Sisterhood.
The “Lambda Family” also consists of our Auxiliaries.
LAMBDA L.A.M.S. (Lambda Lupus Army of Motivating Supporters) Support Auxiliary. This co-ed auxiliary, is geared towards the families of our members and Lupus supporters over 18 yrs of age.
This LAMBDA L.A.M.S., is great for women who want to work with us, but do not meet the financial, academic or time availability requirements of the sorority
LAMBDA J.E.W.E.L.S. (Juveniles Engaging While Educating Lupus (in) Society) Youth Auxiliary, is geared towards young girls 4-17 years old, with Lupus.
Also, young female relatives of members of the sorority, who are affected by seeing their loved ones suffer.
The LAMBDA J.E.W.E.L.S. gives youth the ability to fellowship & develop friendships with their peers. The youth also attend Lupus related events, social outings and aid in our fundraising. And are mentored by sorority members.
In order to find a cure, Lambda Sigma Sigma Lupus Sorority, Inc. and the Lupus community, are in dire need of more outgoing and positive women and men, to help us fulfill our mission!
It is with great hope, that you find our website informational, insightful and encouraging.
If you are a “Lupus Soldier”, please feel free to contact us. And we look forward to seeing YOU, on the battlefield!
LaCasha Lee, Founder
Lambda Sigma Sigma Lupus Sorority, Inc.